Thursday, 24 March 2011


Beautiful Flower

Beautiful flower gardens with less work can be a dream come true when you follow the six steps below to get you started. As you begin to plan your garden, it’s beneficial to begin with the end in mind. After all, it’s true what they say “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’re there?” A cliche for sure, but knowing where you want to go and how to get there is critical…in business and in gardening.

Review these six steps each time you plan a project, design a garden, or pursue any new vision that may have planted its seed in your brain. Each strategy will help you have more garden with less work.

Which butterfly I thought it was – Spotted Blue Crow (Euploea midamus)

Amazing buttterflies, the Blue Crows, like other Danaines, are inedible, fly slowly and leisurely flaunt their prominent markings which shout to all creatures of their poison and in-edibility. Once I had the butterfly cupped in my arms, I looked at it very carefully.

I realised that something was wrong but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

Suddenly realisation dawned.

The antennas looked strange because they were straight and had no clubbed endings. What I had in my hands was a moth!

Butterfly-like Flower Arrangement

Beautiful Flower Gardens
Start your tour with a visit to the newly expanded RIVERFRONT PARK along Riverside Drive from the Ambassador Bridge,past the City Centre, to the Hiram Walker Distillary. Take in panoramic views of the Detroit skyline and the Odette Sculpture Park. COVENTRY GARDENS and THE PEACE FOUNTAIN'S floating display are one of the area's top attractions. JACKSON PARK combines lovely formal gardens, an experimental rose garden and a Lancaster Bomber on display. The PAUL MARTIN GARDENS at Willistead Park feature a collection of perennials that are rare to Essex County.
Windsor's west end features a number of activity\recreational parks and naature preserves.MIC MAC PARK , OJIBWAY PRAIRIE COMPLEX, which features peaceful woodland pathways and MALDEN PARK which provides cycling and walking trails and a natural amphitheatre for live performances.

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